DR. Timothy Oladunni

Research Statement

I explore computer science fundamental and basic concepts in developing sustainable, efficient and innovative solutions to real world problems by combining theoretical analysis, computational paradigms and deductive reasoning with scientific experimentations. I have a broad research experience in Artificial Intelligence with specific expertise in predictive modelling.

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that students learn more when they actively participate. Therefore, I focus more closely on professional, practical and hands-on skills thereby stimulating critical thinking, curiosity and creativity. I connect organizational dynamics to student outcomes by improving the learning environment and inspiring changes in curriculum for a quality computer science program. I strongly believe that computer science is for all.

Research interests

Machine Learning

Computational Epidemiology

Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence

Data analysis

Time series forecasting

COVID-19 cases, fatality rate, and vaccination tracking in the USA

Stopped tracking March 7, 2021

VAPOC: Visualization, Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19

The goal of VAPOC project is to find out reasons as to why the black community was disproportionally impacted during the coronavirus pandemic. (more...)

A Multicriteria and POC Diagnostic Imaging of COVID-19 as Independent Indicators of Unfavorable Outcomes

This project involves the development of a point-of-care (POC) predictive model to estimate the risk-factors influencing unfavorable outcomes (i.e., invasive mechanical ventilation and death) of African American COVID-19 patients. (more...)


Research projects


(spring 2021)

Machine Learning - CSCI 421/ CSCI 578

View Syllabus

Senior Project II

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(fall 2020)

Intro Programming (Python) - APCT 110/111

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CSCI 498 - Senior Project I

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Cryptography - 15230 - CSCI 455 - 01

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(spring 2020)

Introduction to AI: CSCI 414 - 01 / Principles of AI: CSCI 510 - 01

View Syllabus

Research papers

Selected Publications

  1. Qorib, M., Oladunni, T., Denis, M., Ososanya, E., and Cotae, P., "COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Global Public Health and Risk Modelling Framework Using an Environmental Deep Neural Network, Sentiment Classification with Text Mining and Emotional Reactions from COVID-19 Vaccination Tweets" MDPI 2023
  2. Bengazi, S., Oladunni, T., Olusegun, R., and Audu, H., "A Machine Learning - Sentiment Analysis on Monkeypox Outbreak: An Extensive Dataset to Show the Polarity of Public Opinion from Twitter Tweets." IEEE Access 2023
  3. Olusegun, R., Oladunni, T., Yao, H., Bengazi, S., and Audu, H., "Text Mining and Emotion Classification on Monkeypox Twitter Dataset: A Deep Learning- Natural Language Processing (NLP) Approach" IEEE Access 2023
  4. Irungu, J., Oladunni, T., Denis, M., Ososanya, E., and Muriithi, R "A CNN Transfer Learning-Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Approach to Predict COVID-19" IEEE International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE), 2023
  5. Miftahul Qorib, M., Oladunni, T., Denis, M.,and Ososanya, E. "Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis and Machine Learning on COVID-19 Vaccination Twitter Dataset" Journal of Expert Systems with Applications 2022
  6. Oladunni, T., Stephan, J. and Coulibaly, L.A "COVID-19 Fatality Rate Classification using Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) for Imbalanced Class" IEEE 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 2021
  7. Savadkoohi, M., Oladunni, T., and Thompson, L "Deep neural networks for human's fall-risk prediction using force-plate time series signal" Journal of Expert Systems with Applications 2021
  8. Oladunni, T., Tossou, S., Haile, Y., and Kidane, A "COVID-19 County Level Severity Classification with Imbalanced Class: A NearMiss Under-sampling Approach" 2021 medrxiv
  9. Denis, M., Bachoro, M., Gebreslassie, W. Oladunni, T. "Automatic Electrocardiogram Detection of Suspected Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Application to Wearable Heart Monitors" IEEE Sensors Letters 2021
  10. Oladunni, T., Denis, M., Ososanya E., Uzoegwu E., Adesina J. "A Time Series Analysis and Forecast of COVID-19 Health Care Disparity" Plos One Journal 2021 (Submitted)
  11. Oladunni, T., Denis, M., Ososanya E., Barry A. 'Exponential Smoothening Forecast of African Americans' COVID-19 Fatalities.' International Conference on Computing and Data Science (CONF-CDS 2021) January 28, 2021. Stanford, San Francisco.
  12. Ehsan, M., Shahirinia, A., Zhang, N., Oladunni, T., "Investigation of Data Size Variability in Wind Speed Prediction of AI Algorithms" Journal of Cybernetics and Systems 2020
  13. Tiwang, R., Oladunni, T., Mareboyana, M., ‘An Optimized Convnet-LSTM Deep Learning Probabilistic Approach to Source Code Generation with Abstract Syntax Tree and Hyper-Parameter Tuning.' Journal of Expert Systems with Applications 2020 (submitted)
  14. Savadkoohi, M., Oladunni, T., "A Machine Learning Approach to Epileptic Seizure Prediction using Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signal.", Journal of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2020 (accepted)
  15. Ehsan, M., Shahirinia, A., Zhang, N., Oladunni, T., "Wind Speed Prediction and Visualization Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM)", 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology ICIST 2020
  16. Ramirez Rochac ; Nian Zhang ; Jiang Xiong ; Jing Zhong ; Timothy Oladunni "Data Augmentation for Mixed Spectral Signatures Coupled with Convolutional Neural Networks", 9th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2019)
  17. Tiwang, R., Oladunni, T., "A Deep Learning Model for Source Code Generation, IEEE SoutheastCon 2019
  18. Ramirez Rochac, J., Liang, L., Zhang, N., Oladunni, T., "A Gaussian Data Augmentation Technique on Highly Dimensional, Limited Labeled Data for Multiclass Classification using Deep Learning", 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP 2019)
  19. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S., "Homomorphic Encryption and Data Security in the Cloud", 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering 2019
  20. Ramirez Rochac, J., Liang, L., Zhang, N., Thomson, L., Oladunni, T "A Data Augmentation-assisted Deep Learning Model for High Dimensional and Highly Imbalanced Hyperspectral Imaging Data" 9th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Hulunbuir, China (ICIST 2019)
  21. Oladunni, T Sharma, S.," H2O Deep Learning for Hedonic Pricing", International Journal of Computers and their Applications, IJCA, Vol. 25, No. 1, March 2018.
  22. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S, Tiwang, R., "Foreclosure Sale and House Value: Correlation or Causation?", proceedings of 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA17) Cancun, Mexico, December 18-21, 2017.
  23. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S, Twang, R., "A Spatio – Temporal Hedonic House Regression Model", proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA17), Cancun, Mexico, December 18-21, 2017.
  24. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S, "An Occam’s Razor Approach to Hedonic Pricing Theory", proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Las Vegas, USA, December 14-16, 2017.
  25. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S, "Spatial Dependency and Hedonic Housing Regression Model", 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2016), Anaheim, California, USA, December 18-20, 2016. DOI 10.1109/ICMLA.2016.161. (24.69% acceptance rate).
  26. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S, "Hedonic Housing Theory – A Machine Learning Investigation", 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2016), Anaheim, California, USA, December 18-20, 2016. DOI 10.1109/ICMLA.2016.103. (24.69% acceptance rate).
  27. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S. "Predictive Real Estate Multiple Listing System using MVC Architecture and Linear Regression" ISCA 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2015), page 147- 152, San Diego, California, USA, October 12-14, 2015.
  28. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S. “Predicting Fair Housing Market Value: A Machine Learning Investigation” International Journal of Computers and their Applications, IJCA, Vol. 23, No. 3, Sept. 2016.
  29. Oladunni, T., Sharma, S, "Hedonic House Pricing Model using Deep Learning With a L1 Regularization", proceedings of ISCA 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE-2017), San Diego, CA, USA, October 2-4, 2017.

Professional Services

  1. Technical program committee (member) FLAIRS-33 2020
  2. Technical program committee (Reviewer) IEEE Sarnoff 2019
  3. Technical program committee (member) SEDE 2019
  4. Technical program committee (Reviewer) IEEE Sarnoff 2016
  5. Technical program committee (Reviewer) IEEE ICMLA 2017
  6. Technical program committee (member) International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems 2017


  1. Oladunni, T. "Automated Accent Recognition: A Machine Learning Investigation", Google Research Laboratory, San Francisco CA, July 2014.


  1. PI - NSF Grant: RAPID: Collaborative Research: VAPOC: Visualization, Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19. Award Period: 1 June 2020 through 31 May 2021. (Awarded)
  2. Co-PI - NSA Grant: CEDI Capacity Building: Cybersecurity Research and Development (CSRD) Center (Awarded)
  3. Co-PI - NSF Grant: IUSE: EHR: Impactful and Revolutionary Design Experience by Engineering Curriculum Redesign (Submitted).
  4. PI : Data Science and Virtual Reality Modeling of COVID 19 Pandemic (In preparation)
  5. PI : COVID-19 Virtual Reality Instructional Modules for Autism Spectrum Disorder (VRIM-ASD) (In preparation)
  6. PI : Improving Student Retention Rate in undergraduate Computer Science and Engineering education of a Minority Serving Institution (In preparation)


Department of Computer Science
McMechen 617
Morgan State University
1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251


Email: timothy.oladunni[at]morgan.edu